South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust

Jamie Oliver challenge tests culinary skills

Culinary skills were tested to the limit at Chetwynde School when Barrow and Furness MP Michelle Scrogham had a friendly cooking contest with Professor Andrew Wren, chief executive of South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust.

They each had 10 minutes to see who could make the best pancake with four Year 10 students keeping an eye on the proceedings – and on the clock.

The pancakes soon began to take shape with each contestant demonstrating deft abilities while teacher of Design & Technology Hayley Halliwell watched developments from the sidelines.

Mrs Scrogham finished her dish slightly ahead of Professor Wren, and the students soon delivered their verdict.

They admitted it was a tough decision, but “we liked the one with the syrup on,” was their final word – which meant that Mrs Scrogham took the Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food prize.

After collecting her winner’s certificate Mrs Scrogham said: “The10 minutes went by very fast and Andrew’s pancake looked very tasty after he added strawberries and cream.

“But I’m pleased that my dash of syrup made the difference.”

Pupils are taking part in Jamie Oliver 10 Skills programme, which teaches young people how to cook from scratch and pancakes is one of the recipes from this 10-week programme.

Mrs Scrogham thanked everyone for arranging the contest and later held discussions about education with Professor Wren.


South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
c/o Chetwynde School Croslands
Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness
Cumbria LA13 0NY

Tel: 01229 824 210

Company number 13414087 registered in England.
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust