A dedicated teenager from Chetywnde School has launched a book to support other burns survivors – with help from one of his teachers who also suffered serious burns.
Charlie Whalley, who is in Year 9 at the Rating Lane School, was 15 months old when a pan of boiling water spilt in his kitchen and he sustained burns to 10 per cent of his body.
The keen footballer has written the book ‘Charlie’s Story’, which been co-edited by assistant headteacher Jill Robinson who also bears scars from a burn injury.
This week, Charlie will feature as the case study for the national campaign for National Burn Awareness Day and he and his mum, who co-wrote the book, will share their story at a school assembly.
Charlie, 14, has donated a copy of the book to the school library and said it’s not only to help the person who has been injured but the family too.
“My story shows there is hope, raises awareness of burns in general and helps people to deal with it,” he said.
“This started off as a leaflet for Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and it has just seemed to escalate from there.”
Miss Robinson, who was burnt on a camping stove in her early 20s, said when she found out about the book she was very happy to be involved.
“I was treated at the burns unit in Preston and I know it is a very difficult process to go through for everyone because the aftermath of the incident means hours and hours of changing dressings and it’s a long road to recovery.”
“Being involved in something that gives a glimmer of hope is so worthwhile.”
Charlie, who plays for Preston North End football team, wanted to show that it was possible to achieve your goals even with a burn injury.
His mum, Michelle, said when Charlie was burnt there was nothing like it available to help the family.
“The premise of the book was to create something to have a positive impact for burns survivors by being a tool and a resource they could read and turn to, to give them hope for their own recovery,” she said.
“When Charlie got burnt, I thought I’d ruined his life, and that our family life would never return to what it was. Well – he is thriving. So, the book was designed to give hope.”
The book is not-for-profit and will also raise funds for the Children’s Burns Trust charity to help in their key work on awareness and prevention.
Charlie and his family have fundraised for 5000 copies plus distribution costs to all burns units in the UK.
For more information on the Children’s Burns Trust visit https://www.cbtrust.org.uk/ #beburnsaware
Photo: Burns survivors Charlie Whalley with Chetwynde Assistant Headteacher Jill Robinson