South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust

Full-time CEO appointed as expertise grows at SCMAT

South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust has announced the appointment of Professor Andrew Wren as full-time Chief Executive Officer from September.

Professor Wren has combined his role as Furness College Principal with SCMAT CEO and has seen the Trust grow from strength-to-strength.

Nicola Cove, who is currently the deputy principal, was unanimously selected as the new Furness College Principal by the Board of Governors after a rigorous process, which was facilitated by the Association of Colleges.

Professor Wren said the leadership team at SCMAT now has expertise across finance and management, school and curriculum improvement, operations and estates, human resources and communications.

He said he was looking forward to continuing the strong relationship between the college and SCMAT.

“I have worked with Nicola for several years and am confident that I am leaving the college in her extremely capable hands.

“The introduction of South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust has been both successful and popular with schools, which is a huge positive for education across this area.

“Local governors, heads and staff are recognising the improvements we are making with our current member schools and want to be a part of SCMAT, which will begin the September term with six excellent schools, one further school awaiting approval and several others expressing an interest to join in the coming months. As the newest trust based in Furness, we are delighted to be one of the most popular.”

Professor Wren will be joined by Kathryn Kittley who is taking up a full-time role as Director of Communications for SCMAT, also from September.

She said: “It has been a privilege to be involved with SCMAT since its inception and I have seen it grow so positively for the benefit of the whole education community. I am excited to see what we can achieve in future given the excellent outcomes already secured for our schools in such a short period of time.”

SCMAT was formed in 2021 to drive up standards in education with Chetwynde School as its founding member. It was joined by Vickerstown and Ormsgill schools in 2022 and Newbarns, South Walney Juniors and Cambridge schools have all been approved by the Regional Director to join in September.

Furness College Chair of Governors Jan Fielding said:  “On behalf of the Board of Governors we would like to express our sincere thanks to Principal Andrew Wren for his hard work, dedication and commitment to the college. He has achieved so much during his period of tenure and leaves the college in a strong position. I know that he will bring the same enthusiasm and determination to his new role as Chief Executive of SCMAT and am certain that his relationship with college will remain strong.”


South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
c/o Chetwynde School Croslands
Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness
Cumbria LA13 0NY

Tel: 01229 824 210

Company number 13414087 registered in England.
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust