South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust

SCMAT schools celebrate Harvest Festival with community

Pupils from Vickerstown School celebrated Harvest Festival with a performance of song, music and poetry for all the community this week.

The children, from Brambles Nursery through to Year 6, took part in the show including festival favourites with a modern twist.

The event was organised by the school council with around 60 members of the community invited to watch and enjoy lunch together.

Headteacher David Holmes congratulated the pupils on putting together such a wonderful performance at the first Harvest Festival in three years.

“You have only had a short time to plan and rehearse this and it was fantastic –  a real team effort,” he said.

The show included Dingle Dangle Scarecrow from the reception class, I’ll be driving tractors to the tune of a George Ezra song by Brambles Nursery, prayers read by Corban and Beau, a Harvest Jig with Year 6 on violins and a whole school rendition of a song called Cauliflowers Fluffy.

Higher Level Teaching Assistant Karan Charles, who oversees the school council, led the performance.

“Our pupils have made a donation of fruit and vegetables that will go to now to families from our school community, Walney Food Bank and Furness Homeless Shelter,” she said. “The School Council has been brilliant and worked hard on this event, it does a lot throughout the year.”

Meanwhile, pupils in Year 4 at Ormsgill School led this year’s Harvest Assembly on the theme of sharing. They presented on the origins of Harvest Festival and how we celebrate and give thanks for the food we produce.

They also talked about how food gets onto our plates and the whole school joined in a version of ‘Let it Grow’ to the well-known Disney Frozen song.

Headteacher Mick Cull praised them not only for their messages but their confidence to deliver their parts in front of the whole school and parents. Pupils also brought in donations for the Barrow Foodbank.


South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust
c/o Chetwynde School Croslands
Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness
Cumbria LA13 0NY

Tel: 01229 824 210

Company number 13414087 registered in England.
South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust