A primary school that is connected to the heart of its community will become the third Barrow school to join the newly formed South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust.
Governors at Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School voted unanimously to academise and join the SCMAT, which is led by Furness College.
The 200-pupil school, which is rated Good by Ofsted, is scheduled to join the Trust alongside Vickerstown School in September this year. Chetwynde School joined the SCMAT in September 2021.
Ormsgill Primary School Headteacher Mick Cull said the choice of SCMAT had been an easy one.
“Both Chetwynde and Vickerstown have excellent reputations due largely to their work throughout the pandemic keeping vital education going for the young people of this town,” he said. “The headteachers of both of these schools are forward-thinking, passionate about education and hold the same values I do as a head.
“I have worked with David from Vickerstown for a number of years and admire his approach and passion for education and was impressed at Steve’s leadership of Chetwynde through a period of change.
“I could see that their move to join the South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust was the right one and something I wanted our pupils, staff and parents to benefit from too and I am looking forward to working more closely with them.”
“When I approached Andrew as CEO of the SCMAT, I was inspired by his leadership and vision for how he sees the SCMAT supporting schools across the educational spectrum. Senior staff from the Trust were also impressed by and fully supportive of the important role our school plays at the heart of the Ormsgill community.”
Cumbria County Council has been informed and there will now be meetings with the Department for Education and informal discussions with stakeholders prior to starting the formal consultation and application process.
Chair of Governors at Ormsgill Primary School Sarah Kilburn said as more schools are being encouraged to become academies, the governors at Ormsgill were keen to be proactive.
“We wanted to have the choice to join the best Trust which meets the needs of our school and which puts the success and welfare of its young people first and foremost. This is undoubtedly SCMAT,” she said.
“Our vision at Ormsgill is to create a safe, nurturing learning environment where everyone is happy and able to reach their full potential and being a member of SCMAT will only serve to improve the learning experience for our pupils.”
SCMAT Executive Head Teacher and CEO and Professor Andrew Wren said Ormsgill is a great school with an inspirational headteacher and an ethos that aligns well with the MAT.
“I was delighted to be approached by Mick who is keen to further enhance the school’s quality of education and sees joining SCMAT as a way to fulfil this,” he said. “He is dedicated to adopting improved methods of teaching, learning and leadership within the school for the benefit of the school and the wider community with which it is so closely connected.”
There will now be a formal application process and consultation with staff, parents and the wider community.
For more information about the Trust email info@furness.ac.uk.