Talented teenagers from Chetwynde have been selected as the stars of the school’s next musical Beauty and the Beast.
Imogen Jones and Zofia Garbacz will alternate playing the lead role of Belle and Charlie Heigh has secured the part of the Beast in the Disney show.
It will feature the hit songs Be Our Guest, Something There, The Mob Song and Gaston as well as dance routines from the popular stage classic.
Singer Imogen, who is in Year 10, said she was enjoying the rehearsals. “It’s a great musical and the rehearsals are chance to spend time with my friends doing something I really enjoy,” she said.
Zofia, who is in Year 11 and is applying for a place at Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts after she studies her GCSEs, added that with so many parts and different years taking part the musical ‘brings people of different ages across the school together’ while Charlie said there was already a real community-feel with the cast.
Katherine Parkinson, head of creative faculty at Chetwynde School which is part of South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust, said the trio were selected after a series of auditions.
“There was a strong set of pupils who went for the parts but these were stand-outs and will give a brilliant characterisation of the roles,” she said. “We have chosen this musical as it has such an extensive range of roles meaning we can involve 65 children from across the secondary school in the production.”
The pupils will wear costumes hired from a professional company for the fantasy show, which will run from February 6-7th in the school’s theatre. Mrs Parkinson said tickets would be available after Christmas and it was likely to sell out.
Pupils from other primary schools will also be invited to see the show.