Members of the public are invited to share their views on plans for Vickerstown Primary School to join the South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust.
A public consultation meeting will be held at the school on Wednesday 2nd March from 5pm to 6.30pm with a presentation and panel question and answer session about the proposal to academise.
It will be led by Vickerstown Primary School Headteacher David Holmes with Professor Andrew Wren, who is Executive Head Teacher and CEO of the Trust, alongside Director of Marketing and Communications Kathryn Kittley.
David said the feedback from staff and parents had been overwhelmingly positive to date and the governors had voted unanimously in favour of the plan.
“We are really heartened by the favourable response to this move so far,” he said. “Staff can really see the benefits that being part of a bigger organisation will bring in terms of sharing best practice and continuing to move the school forward. It is now important that everyone connected with Vickerstown has a chance to express their views and ask questions about what joining the Trust will mean for our school.”
People can ask questions in person at the event or post them via a form on the school’s website to be asked at the meeting.
The MAT Trustees met and resolved in principle to accept the 170-pupil school on Walney into the SCMAT, the school has submitted a formal application and Cumbria County Council has been informed.
Vickerstown School Headteacher David Holmes said the Trust’s vision fits well with his school’s ethos of giving pupils the best academic start in life and grounding to become successful members of society.
“We believe our school will be greatly enhanced by working in partnership with the SCMAT and the support it will bring across all aspects of Vickerstown life,” he said.
If all goes ahead, Vickerstown Primary and Brambles Nursery will join the SCMAT in September 2022 alongside Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School which is currently going through the application process. They will join Chetwynde School, which was the founding member of the SCMAT when it launched in September 2021.
To ask a question regarding the proposal for Vickerstown Primary and Brambles Nursery School joining the South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust, please complete the following form: